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This app got very good reviews from local travellers in the city of Stockholm in summer 2011 when it was released first time.
We are working hard to provide the rest of the metros with app guides on the globe at the moment.
Status Information
This feature let you know if there are any interruptions or delays on any of the available metro lines. Station disruptions or planned traffic closures are also shown.
Metro Map
Zoom in and zoom out a full scale map originally provided by the local metro company. Make quick searches of metro stations from a list or use the search engine. The result is instantly shown as an pinpoint on map.
Locate Station
Are you in foreign territory? Need to find nearest station? No problem! Just tap “Locate” and Metro Carta will find you the nearest station.
Check available downloads below!
Check the latest news
16. Nov 2013. We are proud to announce the release of Metro Carta Stockholm shortly.
17. Sep 2013. The Metro Carta Group are proud to announce that the adapter platform for information sources of the worlds 160 metro networks are to be finished in production shortly.
15. May 2013. Metro Carta was released to a local group in the City of Stockholm (Sweden) for a trial period. Great expectations were met by great responses :) production shortly.